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Tips Makeup Bertunang

Untuk makeup pada hari pertunangan jangan la terlalu over. Lebih sesuai dengan makeup yang agak natural supaya wajah nampak fresh & terserlah your natural beauty. When i mention natural, it doesn't mean makeup tu terlalu tipis.  A good coverage is required to hide those uneven skintone so that your complexion nampak flawless . But at the same time keep your eyeshadow colours to a more natural tone. Jgn sampai mata nampak macam beruang panda. Nak buat smokey eyes boleh but use lighter tone. Utk lipstick pilih la warna yg soft dan yg penting lost of gloss. What ever it is, pilihan warna kena lah sesuai dengan skintone. So good luck !

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